



Trends in the Overdose Crisis and CMS’s Role – Thursday, July 18, 2024 at 3:00 PM ET

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The State Data Resource Center (SDRC) will outline approaches to identify inappropriate prescribing of opioids and related medications using available Medicare Part D PDE data in combination with Medicare Parts A and B data. We will provide an overview of the overdose crisis and its impact on Medicare and Medicaid, go over CMS’s response and action plan, and outline the analytical approach undertaken within Medicare to evaluate fraud, waste, and abuse analyses. A brief Q & A session will follow the presentation.




2022 Medicare Parts A & B Data Available

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Calendar Year 2022 Medicare Parts A & B data from the CCW have been final-actioned and are now available for request.




Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Hospice Use Among Medicaid-Only and Dually Eligible Decedents Webinar – May 8, 2024, at 1:30pm ET

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The SDRC welcomes you to a webinar hosted by the state of Connecticut to learn about their recent research on racial and ethnic disparities in hospice use among Medicaid-only and dually eligible beneficiaries. In this webinar, the state will present background on their research; detail their methodology; present their findings, including descriptive statistics and findings from logistic regression models; and highlight the implications of their research. A brief Q & A session will follow the presentation.




Identifying Targeted Areas of Need for Diabetes Intervention – Thursday, April 18, 2024 from 3:00-4:00 PM ET

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The SDRC welcomes you to a webinar to learn about identifying targeted areas of need for diabetes intervention using Historical Parts A/B data, Master Beneficiary Summary File (MBSF) data, and Census data, among others. In this webinar, we will answer common questions recently received related to diabetes interventions; provide current diabetes trends and statistics; give an overview of ICD-10 codes and social determinants of health (SDOH); identify beneficiaries within your state/territory most at risk of developing diabetes; display a mapping analysis to highlight specific geographic areas to target; and highlight comorbidities that may be caused by diabetes. A brief Q & A session will follow the presentation.




The SDRC Data Request Process - Wednesday, June 14, 2023 from 3:00-4:00 pm ET

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The SDRC welcomes you to a webinar to learn about the data request process in collaboration with Indiana Family and Social Services Administration and Minnesota Department of Human Services. In this presentation, we will provide answers to recent data request questions, provide the steps necessary to complete a new or additional data request as well as update your data request. Two panel discussions and Q&A periods will occur with agencies to discuss their experiences with data requests. A list of helpful resources will be provided, and a brief Q & A session will follow the presentation. This webinar is intended for both current Medicare data users and prospective states/territories interested in requesting Medicare claims or events data.

For more information, please contact SDRC via the support line (888) 805-5228 or email




2021 Medicare Parts A & B Data Available

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Calendar Year 2021 Medicare Parts A & B data from the CCW have been final-actioned and are now available for request.




Using MDS Data to Identify Abuse of Antipsychotic Medication in Nursing Facilities – Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 3:00pm ET

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The State Data Resource Center (SDRC) will outline approaches using available CMS Minimum Data Set 3.0 (MDS) data in combination with Medicare Parts A, B, and D data to identify inappropriate use of antipsychotic medications and related diagnoses (e.g., schizophrenia) in nursing facilities for dually eligible beneficiaries. We will describe the related background, review the Medicare datasets, and outline the analytical approach Medicaid agencies can take to perform this type of anti-fraud, waste, and abuse investigation. A brief Q & A session will follow the presentation.




Linking SDRC Data for More Robust Analyses - Wednesday, March 29, 2023 - 3-4pm ET

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The SDRC will host a webinar on linking various data to SDRC-available Medicare data. In this webinar, we will provide answers to recent data linking questions, examine the utilization of CCW crosswalk files for linking data, provide sample codes in various languages that can be used to link data, and present a case study on how linked data can be used to investigate trends in diabetes treatment and monitoring among your dually eligible population. A brief Q & A session will follow the presentation.




SDRC Program Integrity Open House - March 2, 2023 at 3pm ET

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The State Data Resource Center (SDRC) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Center for Program Integrity are hosting a program integrity virtual “open house” for the first time! We are inviting Medicaid agencies who have not previously requested Medicare data for anti-fraud, waste, and abuse activities. During this hour, SDRC will provide a high-level summary of our program integrity process and leave ample time for you to ask us questions on the process, brainstorm potential data uses, and interact with your colleagues across the United States.

This Zoom session will be on Thursday, March 2 at 3pm ET. We look forward to meeting you virtually!




2020 Medicare Parts A & B Data Available

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Calendar Year 2020 Medicare Parts A & B data from the CCW have been final-actioned and are now available for request.




Timely Medicare Data Available to States and Territories

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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) makes real-time Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) data available through the State Data Resource Center (SDRC), free of charge! States can choose to receive a secondary, enhanced feed of Coordination of Benefits Agreement (eCOBA) claims or a monthly feed of non-final action Part A and B claims.

  • eCOBA claims data: shared as often as daily or weekly, with only a two-week maturity/processing lag time. Examples of how your state could utilize the enhanced COBA feed includes, but is not limited to, (1) perform analyses on patient- or provider-levels in real-time, and/or (2) analyze aberrant utilization and/or billing patterns.
  • non-final action Part A and B claims data: shared monthly, with only a three-month lag time from the month of service. Examples of how your state could utilize the non-final action Part A and B claims includes, but is not limited to, (1) analyze, monitor, and provide feedback related to care coordination and/or program integrity, (2) analyze patient- or provider-levels on a monthly basis, and/or (3) analyze aberrant utilization and/or billing patterns on a monthly basis.




CMS Announcement: Disenrollment from Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans of Medicare Enrollees Who Are Incarcerated or Not Lawfully Present in the United States

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On, November 2, 2021, CMS issued a memorandum to Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans to provide information about enrollment and disenrollment for individuals who are incarcerated or not lawfully present in the United States. On June 26, 2022, CMS plans to disenroll individuals in accordance with eligibility requirements codified in 42 CFR §§ 417.422, 422.50,and 423.30.

States will see these changes in the CMS MMA or TBQ response file they receive after that date. States that have programs to align Medicaid with Medicare plan enrollment for dually eligible individuals may want to review CMS data for Medicare plan disenrollment, and going forward, for Medicare eligibility status on incarceration and lawful presence. Key fields within the CMS response file include:

States can find the fields on the MMA Response File Detail layout in section 7.5 of the MAPD State User Guide (SUG):

Disenrollment from Medicare plans

  • Items 143-144 Beneficiary ManagedCare (MCO) Enrollment Start/End Date
  • Item 145 Beneficiary MCO Number (contract level) (Occurrence 1)
  • Items 146-154 will display Occurrences 2-10
  • Item 155 Group Health Plan Enrollment Start Date (Occurrence 1)
  • Items 156-157 Plan Benefit Package (PBP) Enrollment Start/End Date (Occurrence 1)
  • Item 158 Plan Benefit Package Number
  • Item 159 Plan Benefit Package Coverage Type Code (Occurrence 1)
  • Items 160-168 will display PBP Enrollment Occurrences 2-10

Change in Medicare plan eligibility status

  • Item 237 Medicare Plan Ineligibility Due to Incarceration Start Date (Occurrence 1).
  • Items 274-291 will display Occurrences 2-10
  • Item 292 Medicare Plan Ineligibility Due to Not Lawful Presence Start Date (Occurrence 1)
  • Items 293-311 will display Occurrences 2-10

States can find the fields on the TBQ Response File Detailfile layout, section 11.3 of the MAPD State User Guide (SUG):

Disenrollment from Medicare plans

  • Items 89-90 Beneficiary Managed Care Organization (MCO) Start/End Date (Occurrence 1)
  • Item 91 Beneficiary MCO contract number
  • Items 92-100 will display Managed Care Organization Occurrences 2-10
  • Item 101 Group Health Plan Enrollment Effective Date
  • Items 102-103 Plan Benefit Package Start/End Date
  • Item 104 Plan Benefit Package Number
  • Item 105 Plan Benefit Package Coverage Type Code
  • Items 106-114 will display Plan Benefit Package Election Occurrences 2-10

Change in Medicare plan eligibility status

  • Items 184-185 Medicare Plan Ineligibility Due to Incarceration start/end Date (Occurrence 1)
  • Items 218-235 will display Occurrences 2-10.
  • Items 236-255 Medicare PlanIneligibility Due to Not Lawful Presence Start (Occurrences 1-10)




Release of CY2016 MMLEADS Data

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The updated Medicare-Medicaid Linked Enrollee Analytic Data Source (MMLEADS), using 2016 data, is available in the Chronic Condition Warehouse (CCW).

MMLEADS is an individual-level dataset that integrates Medicare and Medicaid data on enrollment, eligibility, service utilization, and expenditures. All MMLEADS files in the updated version are person-level summary files. Further information on MMLEADS is available at and updated data documentation is available at the below links.

MMLEADS data files will remain available for calendar years (CYs) 2006-2012. As a result of the change in file structure and states transitioning from MSIS to T-MSIS over time, MMLEADS data are not available for 2013-2015. CMS intends to continue updates and further enhancements to MMLEADS as data become available for subsequent years. The 2016 MMLEADS Public Use File (PUF) will be made available on the CMS website at a future date.




Highlighting Available Medicare Claims Data for COVID-19 Vaccination Coordination

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To identify via Medicare claims data those dually eligible individuals with COVID-19 vaccination billed to Medicare within your state, please use the following steps.

For enhanced Coordination of Benefits Agreement (eCOBA) file:

Please use the above HCPCS codes to identify the COVID-19 vaccine claims within your eCOBA file (Medicaid COBA ID range 79000-7999; Medicaid MCO COBA ID range 77000-78999).

  1. Run a query on your eCOBA file using the HCPCS codes found in the table below.
  2. After you have identified the individuals who have the above HCPCS codes associated with their records, usethe MBI number associated with the record within your eCOBA file to identify the beneficiary.
  3. As you have identified the claims for dually eligible individuals associated with a vaccine that requires two doses, you can flag their MBI to ensure you capture the claim for the second dose administration.
  4. We recommend performing additional data analysis to link the COVID-19 vaccination claims demographic data to assess health disparities, such as by race/ethnicity, disability status, or geography.

For Monthly Part A and B data set:

  1. Identify your Medicare Part B Carrier Claim File. Specifically, you will need the Carrier Line Data.
  2. Run a query on your Carrier Line Data Set on the HCPCS codes found in the table below.
  3. After you have identified the individuals who have the above HCPCS codes associated with their records, use one of the crosswalk files provided to you with your monthly Part A and B data (BENE_ID to MBI, BENE_ID to SSN, BENE_ID to HICN) to identify the beneficiary.
  4. As you have identified the claims for dually eligible individuals associated with a vaccine that requires two doses, you can flag their BENE_ID to ensure you capture the claim for the second dose administration.
  5. We recommend performing additional data analysis to link the COVID-19 vaccination claims demographic data to assess health disparities, such as by race/ethnicity, disability status, or geography.

HCPCS Code(s) (Vaccine Code

Vaccine Administration Codes


Vaccine Names

NDC 10/NCD11 Codes

91300 0001A(1st Dose)

Pfizer, Inc




91300 0002A(2nd Dose)

Pfizer, Inc




91301 0011A(1st Dose)

Moderna, Inc



80777-273-10 80777-0273-10

91301 0012A(2nd Dose)

Moderna, Inc



80777-273-10 80777-0273-10

91302 0021A(1st Dose)





91301 0022A(2nd Dose)





91303 0031A (Single Dose)

Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson




Note: This Medicare COVID-19 vaccination data only applies to those dually eligible beneficiaries for whom Medicare received and adjudicated a claim. This data does not include any dually eligible beneficiary who received a COVID-19 vaccination that was not billed to Medicare.

If your state currently does not receive either of the files discussed above, but are interested in receiving these data sets, please contact the SDRC.




State Payment of Medicare Premiums Manual Update

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On Friday, December 13, 2019, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a draft Manual for State Payment of Medicare Premiums (formerly called “State Buy-in Manual”) to states and other stakeholders for review and comment. The manual update is part of CMS’ Better Care for Dual Eligible Individuals Strategic Initiative aimed at improving quality, reducing costs, and improving customer experiences. The draft manual and instructions for commenting are available at:

We are welcoming comments through 5:00 p.m. EST on Saturday, February 29, 2020.




MAPD Help Desk: Notification of State File Processing Suspension

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Please be advised that starting from Friday April 26, 2024, CMS will experience a temporary delay in processing of State MMA files. MMA processing is expected to resume by 6:00AM ET on Monday, April 29, 2024 at which time any MMA response files will be sent.

Visit the MAPD Help Desk Web site to find useful information about the MAPD Program, including FAQs, System Announcements, User Guide, and Plan Connectivity Instructions.

Please call 1-800-927-8069 or email the MAPD Help Desk at with any questions or concerns.  

MAPD Help Desk hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00PM ET




MAPD Help Desk: Notification of State File Processing Suspension

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Please be advised that starting from Sunday November 26, 2023, CMS will experience a temporary delay in processing of State MMA files. MMA processing is expected to resume by 6:00AM ET on Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at which time any MMA response files will be sent.

Visit the MAPD Help Desk Web site to find useful information about the MAPD Program, including FAQs, System Announcements, User Guide, and Plan Connectivity Instructions.

Please call 1-800-927-8069 or email the MAPD Help Desk at with any questions or concerns.  

MAPD Help Desk hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00 PM ET




MAPD Help Desk: Notification of State File Processing Suspension

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Please be advised that starting from Saturday November 11, 2023, CMS will experience a temporary delay in processing of State MMA files. MMA processing is expected to resume by 6:00AM ET on ** Thursday, November 16, 2023 at which time any MMA response files will be sent.

Visit the MAPD Help Desk Web site to find useful information about the MAPD Program, including FAQs, System Announcements, User Guide, and Plan Connectivity Instructions.

Please call 1-800-927-8069 or email the MAPD Help Desk at with any questions or concerns.  

MAPD Help Desk hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00 PM ET




MAPD Help Desk: Notification of State File Processing Suspension

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Please be advised that as of 2:30am ET on Saturday, February 4, 2023, CMS will experience a temporary delay in processing of State MMA files. MMA processing is expected to resume by 10:00AM ET on Tuesday, February 7, 2023 at which time any MMA response files will be sent.

Visit the MAPD Help Desk Web site to find useful information about the MAPD Program, including FAQs, System Announcements, User Guide, and Plan Connectivity Instructions.

Please call 1-800-927-8069 or email the MAPD Help Desk at with any questions or concerns.  

MAPD Help Desk hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00 PM ET




MAPD Help Desk: Notification of State File Processing Suspension

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Please be advised that as of 2:30am ET on Friday, December 2, 2022, CMS will experience a temporary delay in processing of State MMA files. MMA processing is expected to resume by 10:00AM ET on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at which time any MMA response files will be sent.

Visit the MAPD Help Desk Web site to find useful information about the MAPD Program, including FAQs, System Announcements, User Guide, and Plan Connectivity Instructions.

Please call 1-800-927-8069 or email the MAPD Help Desk at with any questions or concerns.  

MAPD Help Desk hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00 PM ET




MAPD Help Desk: Notification of State File Processing Suspension

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Please be advised that as of 2:30am ET on Friday, November 18, 2022, CMS will experience a temporary delay in processing of State MMA files. MMA processing is expected to resume by 6:00AM ET on Tuesday, November 21, 2022 at which time any MMA response files will be sent.

Visit the MAPD Help Desk Web site to find useful information about the MAPD Program, including FAQs, System Announcements, User Guide, and Plan Connectivity Instructions.

Please call 1-800-927-8069 or email the MAPD Help Desk at with any questions or concerns.  

MAPD Help Desk hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00 PM ET




MAPD Help Desk: Notification of State File Processing Suspension

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Please be advised that as of 9:00pm ET on Friday, November 4, 2022, CMS will experience a temporary delay in processing of State MMA files. MMA processing is expected to resume by 6:00AM ET on Saturday, November 12, 2022 at which time any MMA response files will be sent.

Visit the MAPD Help Desk Web site to find useful information about the MAPD Program, including FAQs, System Announcements, User Guide, and Plan Connectivity Instructions.

Please call 1-800-927-8069 or email the MAPD Help Desk at with any questions or concerns.  

MAPD Help Desk hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00 PM ET




MAPD Help Desk: Notification of State File Processing Suspension

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Please be advised that as of 2:30am ET on Saturday, October 29, 2022, CMS will experience a temporary delay in processing of State MMA files. MMA processing is expected to resume by 6:00AM ET on Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at which time any MMA response files will be sent.

Visit the MAPD Help Desk Web site to find useful information about the MAPD Program, including FAQs, System Announcements, User Guide, and Plan Connectivity Instructions.

Please call 1-800-927-8069 or email the MAPD Help Desk at with any questions or concerns.  

MAPD Help Desk hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00 PM ET




MAPD Help Desk: Update - Incarceration and Not Lawfully Present

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On August 12, 2022, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) distributed a Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug (MAPD) Help Desk email advising if a beneficiary states they have been incorrectly disenrolled due to Incarceration or Not Lawfully present status, the Plan should refer the beneficiary to the Social Security Administration (SSA) to correct the information in their systems. If the Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug System (MARx) shows that the beneficiary has an open-ended period of Incarceration, an open-ended period of Not Lawfully Present period, or the dates are incorrect, the beneficiary must contact SSA. Plans should only contact the MAPD Help Desk if SSA indicates that the data has already been corrected, MARx has the correct dates on file, or if there is an end date and the Plan is not able to reinstate the beneficiary. All other inquiries to the MAPD Help Desk will be provided a response to contact SSA.

CMS has been receiving several tickets regarding Plans seeing disenrollment actions for periods prior to January 1, 2019. When this change was implemented on June 26, 2022, CMS communicated that periods prior to January 1, 2019, would not be affected. An email communication about this issue was sent stating CMS identified some periods prior to January 1, 2019, that were processed and has corrected most of these enrollments. However, for periods sent after June 26, 2022, if SSA does send CMS a period of Incarceration or Not Lawfully Present that is prior to January 1, 2019, MARx will take the appropriate disenrollment action.

CMS also wants Plans to know that SSA only sends CMS Incarceration data once a month. Any recent changes by SSA will require a month for CMS to receive the changes; however, CMS receives Not Lawfully Present data daily. Plans should check on beneficiaries with a Not Lawful status frequently to see if they are eligible to be re-enrolled.

Visit the MAPD Help Desk Web site to find useful information about the MAPD Program, including FAQs, System Announcements, User Guide, and Plan Connectivity Instructions.

Please call 1-800-927-8069 or email the MAPD Help Desk at with any questions or concerns.  

MAPD Help Desk hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00 PM ET




MAPD Help Desk: Notification of State File Processing Suspension

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Please be advised that as of 2:30am ET on Saturday, October 8, 2022, CMS will experience a temporary delay in processing of State MMA files. MMA processing is expected to resume by 10:00AM ET on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at which time any MMA response files will be sent.

Visit the MAPD Help Desk Web site to find useful information about the MAPD Program, including FAQs, System Announcements, User Guide, and Plan Connectivity Instructions.

Please call 1-800-927-8069 or email the MAPD Help Desk at with any questions or concerns.  

MAPD Help Desk hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00 PM ET




MMA Response File Processing Delays

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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) provides updates to Medicaid agencies when there will be delays in the processing of the MMA Response File. The best way to ensure your Medicaid agency is receiving the state/territory file suspension notices is to ensure that the appropriate staff have a state/territory role in the CMS Identity Management System (IDM) with a current email address.

To add a state/territory role in IDM, refer to the instructions in the MAPD State User Guide (SUG), Section 2 [“Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug User Interface (MARx UI) System)” Sub-section 2.1.1 [“Register in IDM”].

The attached image provides an example of what your Medicaid agency can expect to see in the State/Territory File Processing Suspension notification emails.




MMA Notifications from CMS

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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) provides multiple notifications to ensure your Medicaid agency is kept up to date on the status of your MMA file submissions.

CMS sends notifications like the one attached to your Medicaid agency each time an MMA Request file is submitted. These notifications provide important information regarding the status of the submitted request file.

If you are not receiving these notifications, please submit a ticket to the MAPD Help Desk at 1-800-927-8069 or In that ticket, please include:

  • The Medicaid agency email address
  • That you are requesting that the ticket is assigned to the MBD Application Support team
  • That you would like to be added to the MMA file Medicaid agency notification list

We strongly suggest that the Medicaid agency consider creating a shared email address mailbox versus individual staff emails (e.g., to receive the notifications.

The attached image is an example of what your Medicaid agency can expect to see in the notification emails.




MAPD Help Desk: Notification of State File Processing Suspension

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Please be advised that as of 2:30 AM ET on Saturday, October 1, 2022, CMS experienced a temporary delay in processing of State MMA files. MMA processing is expected to resume by 10:00AM ET on Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at which time any MMA response file will be sent.

Visit the MAPD Help Desk Web site to find useful information about the MAPD Program, including FAQs, System Announcements, User Guide, and Plan Connectivity Instructions.

Please call 1-800-927-8069 or email the MAPD Help Desk at with any questions or concerns.  

MAPD Help Desk hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00 PM ET




MAPD Help Desk: Notification of State File Processing Suspension

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Please be advised that as of 4:00 PM ET on Friday, September 23, 2022, CMS will experience a temporary delay in processing of State MMA files. MMA processing is expected to resume by 6:00AM ET on Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at which time any MMA response files will be sent.

Visit the MAPD Help Desk Web site to find useful information about the MAPD Program, including FAQs, System Announcements, User Guide, and Plan Connectivity Instructions.

Please call 1-800-927-8069 or email the MAPD Help Desk at with any questions or concerns.  

MAPD Help Desk hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00 PM ET




MAPD Help Desk: Notification of State File Processing Suspension

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Please be advised that as of 8:00 PM ET on Thursday, September 1, 2022, CMS will experience a temporary delay in processing of State MMA files. MMA processing is expected to resume by 6:00AM ET on Tuesday, September 6, 2022 at which time any MMA response files will be sent.

Visit the MAPD Help Desk Web site to find useful information about the MAPD Program, including FAQs, System Announcements, User Guide, and Plan Connectivity Instructions.

Please call 1-800-927-8069 or email the MAPD Help Desk at with any questions or concerns.  

MAPD Help Desk hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00 PM ET




MAPD Help Desk: Notification of State File Processing Suspension

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Please be advised that as of 8:00 PM ET on Friday, May 27, 2022, CMS will experienced a temporary delay in processing of State MMA files. MMA processing is expected to resume by 6:00AM ET on Tuesday, May 31, 2022 at which time any MMA response files will be sent.

Visit the MAPD Help Desk Web site to find useful information about the MAPD Program, including FAQs, System Announcements, User Guide, and Plan Connectivity Instructions.

Please call 1-800-927-8069 or email the MAPD Help Desk at with any questions or concerns.  

MAPD Help Desk hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00 PM ET




MAPD Help Desk: Notification of State File Processing Suspension

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Please be advised that as of 2:30AM ET on Saturday, May 7, 2022, CMS will experience a temporary delay in processing of State MMA files. MMA processing is expected to resume by 10:00AM ET on Monday, May 9, 2022 at which time any MMA response files will be sent.

Visit the MAPD Help Desk Web site to find useful information about the MAPD Program, including FAQs, System Announcements, User Guide, and Plan Connectivity Instructions.

Please call 1-800-927-8069 or email the MAPD Help Desk at with any questions or concerns.  

MAPD Help Desk hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00 PM ET




MAPD Help Desk: Notification of State File Processing Suspension

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Please be advised that as of 2:30 AM ET on Tuesday, May 3, 2022, CMS will experience a temporary delay in processing of State MMA files. MMA processing is expected to resume by 6:00AM ET on Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at which time any MMA response files will be sent.

Visit the MAPD Help Desk Web site to find useful information about the MAPD Program, including FAQs, System Announcements, User Guide, and Plan Connectivity Instructions.

Please call 1-800-927-8069 or email the MAPD Help Desk at with any questions or concerns.  

MAPD Help Desk hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00 PM ET




MAPD Help Desk: Notification of State File Processing Suspension

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Please be advised that as of 2:30AM ET on Wednesday, April 27, 2022, CMS will experience a temporary delay in processing of State MMA files. MMA processing is expected to resume by 10:00AM ET on Friday, April 29, 2022 at which time any MMA response files will be sent.

Visit the MAPD Help Desk Web site to find useful information about the MAPD Program, including FAQs, System Announcements, User Guide, and Plan Connectivity Instructions.

Please call 1-800-927-8069 or email the MAPD Help Desk at with any questions or concerns.  

MAPD Help Desk hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00 PM ET


You are leaving the SDRC Public website and are being redirected to the new SDRC Portal website, where you can submit and track data requests, ask questions, and access SDRC resources. You will need a username and password to log into the SDRC Portal. If you are Medicaid agency staff and/or associated downstream user who would like access, please contact the SDRC Support Team for more information.

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